Waterproof Outdoor Furniture


How to...

Learn how to waterproof wood for outdoor furniture to withstand what Mother Nature throws at it with this step-by-step tutorial on how to refinish and seal wood so it lasts.

Items Needed:

– Orbital Sander – Paint Brush – Drop Cloths – Paint Sprayer – Sandpaper 220 and 100-120 grit – Painter's Tape – Paint trays or buckets


Allow the piece to fully cure before setting items on it such as plates or painted materials.

Repair + Sand

Do any repairs as necessary and then remove any previous finish. This can be a light sanding or a full strip depending on the condition of your surface.



Stain may offer some UV protection. Brush in one direction from end to end. Let it soak into the surface. Wipe off excess with a lint free cloth per manufacturer's instructions.



Apply sealer with a brush or sprayer. I like a synthetic brush for most sealers and a natural bristle brush for oils. Do Not back-brush if the product is drying.



Apply 2-3 coats for best coverage. Allow the piece to fully cure before setting items on it such as heavy lamps or other painted materials.


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