Garlic Parmesan Green Beans

Let's Make...

Oven Roasted Garlic Parmesan Green Beans are a delicious side dish option for any meal. Ready in under 30 minutes, this recipe is big on flavor but short on prep.


– 500g Fresh Green Beans  – 2 TBSP olive oil – ½ tsp Salt – ½ tsp Black pepper – 1 tsp minced garlic – 2 TBSP chopped parsley (optional) – ¼ cup parmesan cheese

Can I Use Frozen?

You can use frozen green beans. Use whole green beans and rinse/dry them to remove any ice. Follow the instructions and cook the same as fresh.


Preheat the oven to 425°F (220 C). Remove any strings and thin ends from the green beans.


Prepare the Green Beans

Wash green beans and add to a bowl. Season and toss beans in olive oil to evenly coat. Arrange the green beans in one layer on baking sheet.



Roast in the oven for 15-25 minutes, pulling halfway through to toss and sprinkle with parmesan cheese over top. You will know they are done when the green beans are fork tender.



Remove from oven, season with extra salt and pepper if desired. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with parsley and more parmesan, if desired. Serve immediately.


For the full printable recipe and more tips,  swipe up!