How To Choose Furniture Paint

Craving Some Creativity

Over many years of painting furniture and refinishing, we have learned that not all furniture paints are great for every situation. To get the best results, there are a few considerations.

- Never use latex wall paint. - Check for non-toxic (low to no fumes or VOCs) - Self-leveling helps create a smooth finish. - Never thin more than 10%.

Quick Tips for a Great Paint Job

Consideration #1 Paint Method

Some paints must be sprayed and others have self-levelers in them to minimize brush strokes so know how you intend to paint a piece.

Consideration #2 Durability

Some paints are fine for gently used decorative items. Others, such as dining tables, require maximum durability because they are considered "high traffic".

Consideration #3 Sheen

The first question, even before color, is what sheen. Some like a very flat sheen, like chalk paint, and others want a glossier look. Sheen affects durability and color range.

Whenever possible, AVOID custom color mixes.  If you need to do touch ups later on or want to color match, it is usually very difficult to match a paint.


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